Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Hey Joe, Where You Goin' With That Bottle Of Vodka In Your Hand?

If you are a fan of Jimi Hendrix and an alcoholic, then you have perhaps heard of and had some Hendrix Electric Vodka. Well, this thing is on it's way to becoming a collector's item since it will no longer be made anymore.

Jimi's half-brother and his business partner Craig Dieffenbach created the vodka in 2005. Things would have been all hunky-dorey if they would have opted out of using Jimi's likeness and signature on the vodka label. But then again, how else would they sell it?

Experience Hendrix, the rightful owners of Jimi's image and fame filed a suit and reached a $3.2 million settlement with the two businessmen which also forces them to stop producing the vodka.

Experience Hendrix argued that the vodka was promoted in poor taste since Hendrix died of a sleeping pill overdose.

I would have personally called it Purple Haze if it wasn't taken already by some shitty beer.

Full Story


  1. You'd think they would be more offended by the fact it was vodka and not malt liquor.

  2. A sweet tagline could have been, "Vodka so good it'll make you choke on your own vomit!"
